Monday, 11 October 2010

Quote of the day


“The stock exchanges of the future will migrate away from the geographical bounds that the interest groups behind any potential European Stock Exchange seek to retain. Instead of a national view, a sector approach is emerging: for example, investors will not view the market in terms of, say, Germany, Sweden, or the UK. Instead, their view will be in terms of pharmaceuticals, IT or forest products.” Per. E. Larrsson, CEO, OM Group

Guess that when did he say so?


H.D.NR said...

Уг нь бол автомашин зохиогдсон үе гэж хэлмээр л байна гэхдээ МТ гэсэн үг байгааг бодоод үзвэл ихдээ л 30 жилийн өмнө тэгээд ер нь 2001 он хавьцаа болов уу? European Stock Exchange гэж бас байдаг юм уу?

Anonymous said...

This comment may have sounded "wow" several years ago. Now, this is how it is already in most developed countries. Mongolia will hopefully join this network of global trading soon.

Anonymous said...

hariltsagch gesnees uilchluulegch gesen bol iluu onovchtoi bh bsan bishuu